• Twilight

    Categories: Hmmm...

    5 thoughts on “Twilight

    • elsja says:

      Twilight is wonderful… I was one of those that got really hooked.

      The reason there is no cussing (amongst other things) is because the woman who wrote it is mormon.

      Be prepared for new moon to be more boring- but once you get to eclipse it gets really good again!

    • MB says:

      I just stumbled upon your site while I was lurking at yanksdownunder. I’m an American. I used to live in Brissie (my husband is Australian). Anyway, just wanted to comment that a friend of mine in Brissie orders books off Amazon all the time and says that even with shipping to Oz that it’s still cheaper than buying them in the bookstores there. Just something you might want to look into. Enjoy some weather for me…it’s freezing here.

      p.s. my website is not up yet, but will be soon. it’s about how we save and visit Australia every year on one income. Check it out in a few weeks..it should be up by then.

    • Jenny says:

      Oh, I love Twilight, too. Just finished New Moon- think I’ll wait for a US visitor to bring me Eclipse.
      Maybe someone should start an Australian paperback book exchange.
      I’m going to just get a Kindle so I can download books from Amazon. I think that will solve two problems- dealing with the price of books here in Oz and dealing with where to store all the books I seem to collect.

    • Y says:

      I finally read all of them. I just borrowed from someone who borrowed from someone else! I was pleasantly surprised that I really did enjoy reading them. I’ve been thinking about getting Kindle too but I haven’t looked it up yet to see if that is something I would really use. I do like flipping pages 😉 Just be sure if you do decide to get Kindle that you’re able to download the books from Amazon. We’ve tried downloading several different things, even TaxCut for our taxes, and because we’re not in the US they won’t let us download it. They check your IP to see where you are and if you’re out of the US you can’t download certain things but I’m not sure if the Kindle books are part of that restriction. Just be sure to check that before you invest in something that expensive! Good luck!

    • Erin says:

      I am glad to find other women in their 20s and 30s who liked the Twilight saga like me. I bought all my books from Big W because they were about $19.50 each. I hate the cost of books here! Crazy! I did a recent post dedicated to the series http://aussie-erin.blogspot.com/2009/05/love-affair-with-vampire.html and now I’m struggling to get into a new book! It is all very G-rated, which to adult readers might be a bit boring, but generally speaking I loved them.

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