• I’m hungry

    Categories: Homesick

    2 thoughts on “I’m hungry

    • MamaKris says:

      Hi Y, this is the first time I’m visiting your blog. I totally hear you about missing food from home. When I lived in Rome for six months the top things everyone missed from the States was Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream and U.S. pizza!

      When I was in Australia for my honeymoon I was pleased to see how healthy the local food was (except for the prevalence of meat pies with gravy)! Between music and food, those are the two things that keep me grounded in the place I’m at. Without them I feel like a little piece of groundless dandelion fluff.

    • Y says:

      Hey there! Thanks for visiting!

      I’m glad that I’m not the only one that misses food! I starting to think I was really greedy or something. But I’m happy to report that I am getting used to eating Australian food and the grease withdrawal is not as intense. There are somethings I will forever miss such as real Spanish food – not just corn, cheese, and avocados thrown together and then called Mexican food. And I will miss the taste of American cheddar cheese. They have cheddar cheese here but for some reason it leaves an aftertaste in my mouth that I just can’t stand. The only place that has traditional American cheddar is at Subway so when I get homesick I will be getting a ham, turkey, and double cheese sub 🙂

      Oh and as for those meat pies – hubby and son are ADDICTED to them! My son who is a picky eater for some reason loves those things. I’m not too fond of them except the Potato pie one which is like a Shepherd’s Pie – those are growing on me.

      So I’m not completely a groundless dandelion fluff anymore – sometimes 🙂

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